Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week One

Not a whole lot to report. Dulcinea and I have been working on getting acquainted and she's decided I'm not such a bad guy. She's coming about 10 feet to the fist on an indoor creance:

Hokoku suru koto wa sounani nai desu. Naka yoku suru youni douyroku shite imasu. Ima no tokoro 3 meteru gurai tondekite imasu.

It's not an instant response though and any little thing will distract her. Below 100g she starts to be more responsive, I just need to take some more weight off. Hopefully I can get her taking baggies on the creance by next weekend sometime.

Mada sugu niwa konai node mou sukoshi taijyu wo herasanakyucha. Ganbarimasu.

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