From way down South in Mexico: (Watch the way he throws the kestrel like a dart at the sparrows, I may have to try that!)
Wolfage: New Maps of Wolf Travels, Sort of
3 weeks ago
Mostly a falconry journal, occasionally thoughts on other things...
LOVE IT! I've tried to get several kestrels to accept being thrown, but it never did catch on. I wonder how they train them? Maybe they're imprints?
That's awesome!
Quotation from an above comment:
"LOVE IT! I've tried to get several kestrels to accept being thrown, but it never did catch on. I wonder how they train them? Maybe they're imprints?"
Hi, it is a true passage kestrel, but not its an imprint kestrel, very interesting ...
como extraño a esa ave!!! y si, es una pasajera. muy buena no??
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