One slip, one bird again for Hayduke's second starling!
It was a great little flight at a group of 5 or 6 starlings feeding on the edge of an island in a Walmart parking lot. They flushed just ahead of us but Hayduke left the fist with a mission and powered into this one about 6 feet off the ground! His first catch out of the air.
He's turning out to be a great little bird. From starting with grasshoppers to catching starlings out of the air, I have to say I'm pretty darn pleased.
We actually have to have a Fish cop come and band them. We report the capture within 24 hours via email and they're SUPPOSED to come within a week...Rarely happens but if you've reported it then you're good to go.
I don't know why they make us band them but I suppose if the bird escapes then there's a higher possibility you'll get it back? Who knows. Colorado is pretty whacky in regards to falconry laws.
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